First Single In Development
After many years of composing demos, building a studio, acquiring equipment, and developing our sound, we finally decided to draw the line at the current level and put something out there. It is now or never.
It took a long time, but we've finally reached a point where we must share our work if we want to progress further. Holding back is no longer an answer. We're at a point where dragging things out more will probably lead to a halt of the entire project. This is something that we cannot afford, not after all the effort that was put in. We really think that we finally have something that is good enough for our standards. Something that will show what we stand for.
Rather than producing multiple songs as part of a small album all at once, we decided on a single that will be ready much sooner. If we get some good feedback, we will continue forward with the other songs.
Currently, we have a composition, and we have decided on a theme for the single. It is our main priority, and we are actively developing it. Once the demo is ready and the arrangement is finished, we will proceed with the final recording, mixing, and mastering.
In the meantime, you can find a few photos of the equipment that we use in the gallery at the top of the post. We are sharing them to show both that this takes a lot of effort to produce and that we are investing heavily in the quality of our sound.
As soon as everything is complete, we will announce the release date for the single. You can also expect a trailer sometime before that.
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